We are Yoga

An intimate encounter with Soul.

For me, the path of yoga is a way of living. A remembrance of our essence, our innate loving nature and the interconnectedness of All. Sequences of movement (asana), breathwork (pranayama), meditation, introspection and actions from the heart actively shape this way of living. Yoga empowers you to create a life you love – a life of purpose, connection and presence.

*Please contact me for special requests like events, class bundles, group classes or collaborations.


Mandala & Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Yoga expresses itself in a creative and dynamic flow. It is often referred to as the sequence of consciousness or how life unfolds from the creative pulse of life. Its energetic approach is designed to wake up the nervous system and feed it your precious prana (life force) while promoting a spirit of change and freedom in the practice 360° around the mat.

Yoga Class

Private Session
à 90 min

Flow with me.

Yin & Sound

The grounding and transformative power of Yin Yoga lies within finding stillness and letting go. As we target the connective tissue, the fascia and the deeper layers of our Self, a Yin class usually consists of a series of passive poses held for up to 5 minutes or more. On an energetic level, it improves the flow of Qi (energy) in our body, releases blockages of stuck energy (trauma) and offers significant mental and emotional release. The healing frequencies of cyrstal singing bowls will leave you feeling rejuvenated, at peace and full of bliss.

Yin & Sound

Private Session
Quantum-Healing infused
à 90 min


Soften & receive.


As we calm the waves of our mind and retreat to a space of pure being, we are able to experience the natural high and blissful nature of our soul: A calmed and regulated nervous system, clarity and focus, heightened states of consciousness and loving non-attachment are only a few of the well-researched benefits of this practice.

We enter state of being that opens our heart to universal love, compassion and inner peace. In meditation, we remember and unfold into our true nature.


Private Session
à 90 min

Pure being.

Jana’s classes, whether it’s about yoga, meditation or calming your mind with coaching, are always magical. She was the first teacher I felt 100% comfortable with – and I’ve done a lot of yoga. Recommend her with all my heart!
— Hanna S.


Join me for the most beautiful, transformative workshops and luxurious retreats in nature’s dream destinations. With holistic healing practices like yoga, breathwork, meditation, and sound healing, we will embark on a wonderful adventure together in the presence of a loving community and like-minded souls.